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ARRAS, TROY A , Arrested: 12/09/1999 PCSO, White Male 5ft 8in 230 lbs , DOB: May 1971, Address: 309 Harrison #d, ELMWOOD , IL 61529
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ARRAS, TROY A , Arrested: 02/23/2000 PCSO, White Male 5ft 8in 230 lbs , DOB: May 1971, Address: 309 Harrison #d, ELMWOOD , IL 61529
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ARRAS, TROY A , Arrested: 03/27/2000 PCSO, White Male 5ft 8in 230 lbs , DOB: May 1971, Address: 309 Harrison #d, ELMWOOD , IL 61529
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ARRAS, TROY A , Arrested: 07/29/2000 PCSO, White Male 5ft 8in 230 lbs , DOB: May 1971, Address: 309 Harrison #d, ELMWOOD , IL 61529
>>More Info<< ARRASMITH, DAVID A. , Holding Offense: THEFT <$300/SCHOOL/WORSHIP, Custody Date: September 29, 2013, Sentence: 18 month, White, Male, DOB: January 24, 1992, Sentencing County: Champaign, Prison: Vandalia CC, Projected Release : June 29, 2014 >>More Info<< ARRASMITH, WILLIAM S. , Holding Offense: POSS MANU CHEM/15<30 GR METH, Custody Date: August 09, 2003, Sentence: 6 year, White, Male, DOB: November 23, 1974, Sentencing County: Coles, Prison: Jacksonville CC, Projected Release : October 27, 2005 >>More Info<< ARRATON, DENTON , Holding Offense: ARMED ROBBERY/NO FIREARM, Custody Date: July 16, 2006, Sentence: 7 year, Black, Male, DOB: May 01, 1990, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Western Illinois CC, Projected Release : October 16, 2009 >>More Info<< ARREAGA, ANGEL , Holding Offense: CHILD PORN/SOL/CHILD/APPEAR, Custody Date: January 28, 2007, Sentence: 4 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: August 23, 1972, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Logan CC, Projected Release : October 28, 2008 >>More Info<< ARREAGA-PEREZ, VICTOR , Holding Offense: POSS AMT CON SUB EXCEPT(A)/(D), Custody Date: July 12, 2009, Sentence: 1 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: February 06, 1990, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Stateville CC, Projected Release : January 12, 2010 >>More Info<< ARREDA, HERNAN , Holding Offense: POSSESS 100<400 GRAMS COCAINE, Custody Date: June 06, 2006, Sentence: 9 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: February 27, 1986, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Western Illinois CC, Projected Release : December 06, 2010 >>More Info<< ARREDONDO, ANGEL , Holding Offense: ARMED VIOL/CATEGORY I WEAPON, Custody Date: July 27, 2017, Sentence: 10 year, DOB: July 28, 1995, Sentencing County: Kane, Prison: Southwestern Illinois CC, Projected Release : January 16, 2022
>>More Info<< ARREDONDO, CARLOS , Holding Offense: DUI/5TH+, Custody Date: July 07, 2008, Sentence: 5 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: October 05, 1962, Sentencing County: DuPage, Prison: Dixon CC, Projected Release : January 07, 2011 >>More Info<<
ARREDONDO, CARLOS , Holding Offense: AGG ROBBERY/INDICATE ARM W/FIR, Custody Date: September 18, 2017, Sentence: 7 year, DOB: September 07, 1996, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Dixon CC, Projected Release : April 24, 2021
>>More Info<< ARREDONDO, DANIEL , Holding Offense: RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY, Custody Date: October 08, 2007, Sentence: 12 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: August 26, 1983, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Pinckneyville CC, Projected Release : September 30, 2013 >>More Info<< ARREDONDO, DANIEL A. , Holding Offense: POSSESSION OF STOLEN FIREARM, Custody Date: April 06, 2010, Sentence: 4 year 6 month, Hispanic, Male, DOB: May 27, 1990, Sentencing County: Lasalle, Prison: Sheridan CC, Projected Release : July 06, 2012 >>More Info<< ARREDONDO, ELIZABETH , Holding Offense: POSS AMT CON SUB EXCEPT(A)/(D), Custody Date: August 13, 2012, Sentence: 1 year, White, Female, DOB: September 02, 1979, Sentencing County: Vermilion, Prison: Decatur CC, Projected Release : February 13, 2013 >>More Info<< ARREDONDO, FELIX , Holding Offense: MANU/DEL 15<100 GRAMS COCAINE, Custody Date: December 12, 2012, Sentence: 6 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: January 21, 1990, Sentencing County: Kane, Prison: Vandalia CC, Projected Release : December 12, 2015 >>More Info<< ARREDONDO, JAVIER , Holding Offense: AGG CRIM SEX ABUSE/INTELLIG DISABL, Custody Date: February 26, 2019, Sentence: 48 month, DOB: September 02, 1996, Sentencing County: Kane, Prison: Lawrence CC, Projected Release : February 26, 2021
>>More Info<< ARREDONDO, JOSE , Holding Offense: PREDATORY CRIMINAL SEXUAL ASSAULT, Custody Date: March 04, 2008, Sentence: 11 year, DOB: July 18, 1965, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Illinois River CC, Projected Release : January 10, 2021
>>More Info<< ARREDONDO, JOSE R. , Holding Offense: MANU/DEL CANNABIS/>5,000 GRAMS, Custody Date: November 18, 2011, Sentence: 6 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: May 17, 1986, Sentencing County: Will, Prison: Logan CC, Projected Release : November 18, 2014 >>More Info<< ARREDONDO, JUAN , Holding Offense: POSS OF FIREARM BY GANG MEMBER, Custody Date: March 15, 2012, Sentence: 3 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: March 27, 1977, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Stateville CC, Projected Release : September 15, 2013 >>More Info<<
ARREDONDO, JUAN , Holding Offense: CRIMINAL SEX ASSAULT/CONSENT, Custody Date: February 03, 2012, Sentence: 4 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: December 14, 1991, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Shawnee CC, Projected Release : June 27, 2015 >>More Info<< ARREDONDO, NATIVIDAD , Holding Offense: DUI/6TH, Custody Date: May 21, 2013, Sentence: 6 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: September 08, 1957, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Sheridan CC, Projected Release : May 21, 2016 >>More Info<< ARREDONDO, OLGA , Holding Offense: AGG BATTERY CHILD <13/GREAT BOD HARM, Custody Date: June 05, 2013, Sentence: 7 year 6 month, Hispanic, Female, DOB: March 30, 1992, Sentencing County: Will, Prison: Logan CC, Projected Release : March 05, 2017 >>More Info<< ARREDONDO, RENE , Holding Offense: POSS AMT CON SUB EXCEPT(A)/(D), Custody Date: January 12, 2017, Sentence: 2 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: August 19, 1972, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Vienna CC, Projected Release : January 12, 2018 >>More Info<< ARREDONDO, RENE A. , Holding Offense: MAN/DEL 01-15 GR COCAINE/ANLG, Custody Date: February 10, 2003, Sentence: 8 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: November 15, 1964, Sentencing County: DuPage, Prison: Pontiac CC, Projected Release : August 10, 2006 >>More Info<< ARREDONDO, SERGIO , Holding Offense: DRIVING RVK/SUSP DUI/SSS 4-9, Custody Date: July 06, 2017, Sentence: 18 month, Hispanic, Male, DOB: January 28, 1982, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Dixon CC, Projected Release : March 02, 2019 >>More Info<< ARREDONDO-GUTIER, JOSE F. , Holding Offense: MANU/DEL 15<100 GRAMS COCAINE, Custody Date: March 28, 2009, Sentence: 10 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: September 25, 1985, Sentencing County: Lake, Prison: Logan CC, Projected Release : March 28, 2014 >>More Info<< ARREGUIL, JAMIE , Holding Offense: AGG BATTERY/GREAT BODILY HARM, Custody Date: March 04, 2004, Sentence: 5 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: December 21, 1986, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Lawrence CC, Projected Release : July 17, 2006 >>More Info<< ARREGUIN, ALEJANDRO G , Arrested: 01/22/2001 PCSO, White Male 5ft 4in 150 lbs , DOB: July 1972, Address: 819 MONROE APT B, PEORIA , IL 61605
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ARREGUIN, ALEJANDRO G , Arrested: 12/17/2001 PCSO, White Male 5ft 4in 150 lbs , DOB: July 1972, Address: 819 MONROE APT B, PEORIA , IL 61605
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ARREGUIN, ALEJANDRO G , Arrested: 04/05/2012 PCSO, White Male 5ft 5in 160 lbs , DOB: July 1972, Address: 1308 East Lake, PEORIA, IL 00000
>>More Info<< ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 05/23/1999 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 05/31/1999 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 07/06/1999 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 07/07/1999 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 08/26/1999 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 09/01/1999 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 10/01/1999 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 10/23/1999 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 11/29/1999 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 01/27/2000 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 01/31/2000 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 02/09/2000 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 02/18/2000 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 03/31/2000 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 04/20/2000 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 05/24/2000 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 05/27/2000 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603
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ARREGUIN, ALEX , Arrested: 06/14/2000 PCSO, White Male 6ft 205 lbs , DOB: April 1981, Address: 3006 NE MADISON, PEORIA , IL 61603