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ASKEW, RICKY , Holding Offense: OBSTRUCT JUST/DESTROY EVIDENCE, Custody Date: July 27, 2007, Sentence: 24 month, Black, Male, DOB: January 29, 1969, Sentencing County: DeWitt, Prison: Graham CC, Projected Release : July 27, 2008 >>More Info<< ASKEW, RICKY W , Arrested: 07/30/2008 PCSO, Black Male 5ft 8in 180 lbs , DOB: January 1969, Address: 1536 RAYBURN, MEMPHIS , TN 38106
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ASKEW, RICKY W , Arrested: 01/16/2009 PCSO, Black Male 5ft 8in 180 lbs , DOB: January 1969, Address: 1536 RAYBURN, MEMPHIS , TN 38106
>>More Info<< ASKEW, STAR , Holding Offense: ATT FOIL/DEFEAT SCREEN TEST, Custody Date: March 07, 2012, Sentence: 1 year, Black, Female, DOB: December 03, 1972, Sentencing County: Boone, Prison: Lincoln CC, Projected Release : September 07, 2012 >>More Info<< ASKEW, TERRANCE , Holding Offense: AGG BATTERY W/FIREARM/PERSON, Custody Date: August 04, 1996, Sentence: 15 year, Black, Male, DOB: September 14, 1976, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Shawnee CC, Projected Release : February 04, 2007 >>More Info<< ASKEW, TERRIAN D. , Holding Offense: AGG ROBBERY/INDICATE ARM W/FIR, Custody Date: March 24, 2017, Sentence: 4 year, Black, Male, DOB: May 19, 1998, Sentencing County: Will, Prison: East Moline CC, Projected Release : March 24, 2019 >>More Info<< ASKEW, THOMAS , Holding Offense: BURGLARY, Custody Date: April 20, 2011, Sentence: 8 year, Black, Male, DOB: September 18, 1969, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Lawrence CC, Projected Release : April 20, 2015 >>More Info<< ASKEW, VICTOR , Holding Offense: ARMED ROBBERY, Custody Date: September 16, 2000, Sentence: 20 year, Black, Male, DOB: December 15, 1968, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Centralia CC, Projected Release : September 16, 2010 >>More Info<< ASKEW, WILLIAM T. , Holding Offense: MANU/DEL OTHER AMT NARCOTIC SCHED I&II, Custody Date: October 02, 2010, Sentence: 3 year, White, Male, DOB: February 17, 1976, Sentencing County: Will, Prison: Stateville CC, Projected Release : April 02, 2012 >>More Info<< ASKEW-SMITH, SHARRON , Holding Offense: IDENTITY THEFT >$2,000-$10,000, Custody Date: June 15, 2009, Sentence: 3 year, Black, Female, DOB: December 24, 1968, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Lincoln CC, Projected Release : June 15, 2010 >>More Info<< ASKEY, WILLIAM D. , Holding Offense: DRIVING W/ SUSPEND/REVOKE LICENSE 10-14, Custody Date: February 11, 2019, Sentence: 2 year, White, Male, DOB: April 27, 1960, Sentencing County: Lasalle, Prison: Centralia CC, Projected Release : March 24, 2020 >>More Info<< ASKIN, WILLIAM , Holding Offense: THEFT $300<$10,000, Custody Date: January 25, 2018, Sentence: 2 year, White, Male, DOB: April 06, 1996, Sentencing County: Lake, Prison: Southwestern Illinois CC, Projected Release : December 10, 2018 >>More Info<< ASKINS, BRYAN D. , Holding Offense: CHILD SEX OFFENDER/RESIDE 500FT, Custody Date: May 09, 2011, Sentence: 18 month, White, Male, DOB: February 23, 1976, Veteran, Sentencing County: Shelby, Prison: Graham CC, Projected Release : February 09, 2012 >>More Info<< ASKINS, ROBERT M , Arrested: 11/25/1990 PCSO, White Male 5ft 9in 180 lbs , DOB: June 1958, Address: 3728 North ASHTON, PEORIA , IL 61603 >>More Info<<
ASKINS, ROBERT M , Arrested: 10/12/1996 PCSO, White Male 5ft 9in 180 lbs , DOB: June 1958, Address: 3728 North ASHTON, PEORIA , IL 61603 >>More Info<< ASKREN, GARRY , Holding Offense: AGG DUI/DEATH OF ANOTHER, Custody Date: December 19, 2011, Sentence: 4 year, White, Male, DOB: February 17, 1989, Sentencing County: Vermilion, Prison: Robinson CC, Projected Release : May 13, 2015 >>More Info<< ASLESON, CHARLES DAVID , Arrested: 08/20/2012 PCSO, White Male 6ft 2in 180 lbs , DOB: April 1977, Address: 414 W. ELIZABETH, APT #3D, PEORIA, IL 61606
>>More Info<< ASLINGER, EDDIE E , Arrested: 09/13/1996 PCSO, White Male 5ft 7in 140 lbs , DOB: February 1958, Address: 16806 West May Rd, ELMWOOD , IL 61529 >>More Info<< ASLLANI, KARIM , Holding Offense: THEFT DECEP INTENT $10,000<$100,000, Custody Date: July 26, 2006, Sentence: 4 year, White, Male, DOB: July 01, 1968, Sentencing County: Lake, Prison: Stateville CC, Projected Release : April 26, 2009 >>More Info<< ASMA, JAMES W. , Holding Offense: BURGLARY, Custody Date: June 30, 2011, Sentence: 3 year, White, Male, DOB: December 14, 1965, Sentencing County: Lake, Prison: Stateville CC, Projected Release : December 30, 2012 >>More Info<< ASMAHAN J ALLEN Arrested: September 26, 2017 1:26 PM, Released: September 27, 2017 1:48 AM, Charge: RECKLESS CONDUCT, DRIVING ON SUSPENDED LICENSE, IVC - FLEE/ATTEMPT ELUDE POLICE, Address: 2603 West 71st St, CHICAGO, IL >>More Info<< ASMANIS, EFSTRATIOS , Holding Offense: ATTEMPT MURDER/INTENT TO KILL/INJURE, Custody Date: July 30, 2004, Sentence: 28 year, DOB: January 11, 1959, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Lawrence CC, Projected Release : May 18, 2028
>>More Info<< ASMORE, GEORGE WILLIE , Arrested: 04/27/1996 PCSO, Black Male 6ft 2in 210 lbs , DOB: May 1942, Address: 2106 HUDSON, PEORIA , IL 61604 >>More Info<<
ASMORE, GEORGE WILLIE , Arrested: 11/16/1997 PCSO, Black Male 6ft 2in 210 lbs , DOB: May 1942, Address: 2106 HUDSON, PEORIA , IL 61604 >>More Info<<
ASMORE, GEORGE WILLIE , Arrested: 09/14/1998 PCSO, Black Male 6ft 2in 210 lbs , DOB: May 1942, Address: 2106 HUDSON, PEORIA , IL 61604 >>More Info<< ASMUS, JARED , Holding Offense: METH DELIVERY<5 GRAMS, Custody Date: April 26, 2018, Sentence: 4 year, White, Male, DOB: May 28, 1998, Sentencing County: Warren, Prison: Stateville CC, Projected Release : April 07, 2020 >>More Info<< ASMUSSEN, HOWARD E , Arrested: 04/04/1997 PCSO, White Male 5ft 11in 280 lbs , DOB: April 1937, Address: 1906 West MARQUETTE, PEORIA , IL 61605 >>More Info<<
ASMUSSEN, HOWARD E , Arrested: 06/26/1998 PCSO, White Male 5ft 11in 280 lbs , DOB: April 1937, Address: 1906 West MARQUETTE, PEORIA , IL 61605 >>More Info<< ASMUSSEN, JOSEPH ALLEN , Arrested: 07/23/2007 PCSO, White Male 5ft 11in 160 lbs , DOB: July 1973, Address: 106 East CYPRESS, ELMWOOD , IL 61529
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ASMUSSEN, JOSEPH ALLEN , Arrested: 05/19/2015 PCSO, White Male 5ft 11in 160 lbs , DOB: July 1973, Address: 106 East CYPRESS, ELMWOOD, IL 61529
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ASMUSSEN, JOSEPH ALLEN , Arrested: 06/30/2015 PCSO, White Male 5ft 11in 160 lbs , DOB: July 1973, Address: 1631 ROCK ISLAND, GALESBURG, IL 61401
>>More Info<< ASMUSSEN, JOSEPH E. , Holding Offense: BURGLARY, Custody Date: May 11, 2007, Sentence: 6 year, White, Male, DOB: July 18, 1973, Sentencing County: Peoria, Prison: Jacksonville CC, Projected Release : November 11, 2009 >>More Info<< ASPAN, ELIZABETH , Arrested: 11/24/2004 PCSO, White Female 5ft 5in 120 lbs , DOB: September 1984, Address: 327 East Eller Dr, EAST PEORIA , IL 61611
>>More Info<< ASPEL, WILLIAM , Holding Offense: GIVE FALSE BOMB/GAS ALARM, Custody Date: February 24, 2005, Sentence: 2 year, White, Male, DOB: February 08, 1958, Sentencing County: DuPage, Prison: Taylorville CC, Projected Release : February 24, 2006 >>More Info<< ASPELMEIER, ANDREW M. , Holding Offense: MURDER/INTENT TO KILL/INJURE, Custody Date: February 29, 1992, Sentence: LIFE, DOB: March 17, 1961, Sentencing County: Rock Island, Prison: Menard CC, Projected Release : INELIGIBLE
>>More Info<< ASPHAHANI, AARON A , Arrested: 02/22/2000 PCSO, White Male 5ft 10in 200 lbs , DOB: July 1979, Address: 4010 North Brandywine Dr, PEORIA , IL 61614
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ASPHAHANI, AARON A , Arrested: 06/08/2003 PCSO, White Male 5ft 10in 200 lbs , DOB: July 1979, Address: 4010 North Brandywine Dr, PEORIA , IL 61614
>>More Info<< ASPHY, TAKAKI K. , Holding Offense: MANU/DEL 01-15 GRAMS COCAINE, Custody Date: August 28, 2006, Sentence: 8 year, Black, Male, DOB: March 14, 1979, Sentencing County: Sangamon, Prison: Logan CC, Projected Release : April 23, 2010 >>More Info<< ASPSETER, WAYNE E. , Arrested: 01/04/2000 PCSO, White Male 5ft 7in 185 lbs , DOB: December 1958, Address: 465 Yankee Lane, CHILLICOTHE , IL 99999
>>More Info<< ASRESSIE, MANGISTIE , Holding Offense: AGG DUI/ACCIDENT/BODILY HARM, Custody Date: September 23, 2013, Sentence: 6 year, Asian, Male, DOB: November 18, 1937, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Dixon CC, Projected Release : September 23, 2016 >>More Info<< ASSAD, MOHAMAD N , Arrested: 10/17/1996 PCSO, White Male 6ft 1in 160 lbs , DOB: August 1977, Address: 10317 Creekstone Ct, PEORIA , IL 61615 >>More Info<<
ASSAD, MOHAMAD N , Arrested: 05/20/1997 PCSO, White Male 6ft 1in 160 lbs , DOB: August 1977, Address: 10317 Creekstone Ct, PEORIA , IL 61615 >>More Info<< ASSAD, SEIF K , Arrested: 11/01/2000 PCSO, White Male 5ft 6in 155 lbs , DOB: October 1972, Address: 4945 South 26th, MILWAUKEE , WI 53221
>>More Info<< ASSAD, SHAKER N , Arrested: 02/09/2016 PCSO, White Male 6ft 160 lbs , DOB: September 1982, Address: 10532 North Schopp Ln, PEORIA, IL 61615
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ASSAD, SHAKER N , Arrested: 08/18/2016 PCSO, White Male 6ft 160 lbs , DOB: September 1982, Address: 10532 North Schopp Ln, PEORIA, IL 61615
>>More Info<< ASSAD, SHAKER N. , Arrested: 09/04/2001 PCSO, White Male 5ft 11in 160 lbs , DOB: September 1982, Address: 10317 North CREEKSTONE, PEORIA , IL 61615 >>More Info<<
ASSAD, SHAKER N. , Arrested: 05/30/2004 PCSO, White Male 5ft 11in 160 lbs , DOB: September 1982, Address: 10317 North CREEKSTONE, PEORIA , IL 61615
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ASSAD, SHAKER N. , Arrested: 11/14/2008 PCSO, White Male 5ft 11in 160 lbs , DOB: September 1982, Address: 10317 North CREEKSTONE, PEORIA , IL 61615
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ASSAD, SHAKER N. , Arrested: 02/21/2009 PCSO, White Male 5ft 11in 160 lbs , DOB: September 1982, Address: 10317 North CREEKSTONE, PEORIA , IL 61615