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BRUNER, TRENT ALLEN , Arrested: 01/04/1991 PCSO, White Male 5ft 10in 155 lbs , DOB: July 1965, Address: 617 North GRANT, CLINTON , IL 00000 >>More Info<< BRUNETTE, JAMES A. , Holding Offense: BURGLARY, Custody Date: February 15, 2012, Sentence: 3 year, White, Male, DOB: July 28, 1991, Sentencing County: Will, Prison: Vandalia CC, Projected Release : November 12, 2014 >>More Info<< BRUNETTE, MISTAYIA , Holding Offense: POSS AMT CON SUB EXCEPT(A)/(D), Custody Date: January 17, 2019, Sentence: 1 year, Black, Female, DOB: July 10, 1987, Sentencing County: McHenry, Prison: Logan CC, Projected Release : July 17, 2019 >>More Info<< BRUNETTI, DAVATO , Holding Offense: CRIM SEX ASSAULT/FORCE, Custody Date: April 14, 2002, Sentence: 4 year, White, Male, DOB: March 09, 1978, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Taylorville CC, Projected Release : September 08, 2005 >>More Info<< BRUNGART, ALEX D , Arrested: 05/25/2012 PCSO, White Male 6ft 1in 200 lbs , DOB: July 1981, Address: 110 West Lakland Rd, MORTON, IL 61550
>>More Info<< BRUNIER, STUART E. , Holding Offense: VIOLATE ORDER/PRIOR VIOL OF ORDER, Custody Date: February 15, 2013, Sentence: 1 year 6 month, Black, Male, DOB: January 29, 1957, Sentencing County: Adams, Prison: Big Muddy River CC, Projected Release : November 15, 2013 >>More Info<< BRUNING, MICHAEL , Holding Offense: AGG FLEEING POLICE/2ND, Custody Date: March 01, 2010, Sentence: 1 year, White, Male, DOB: February 03, 1979, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Shawnee CC, Projected Release : September 01, 2010 >>More Info<< BRUNINGA, ALYSHA ANN , Arrested: 06/18/2000 PCSO, White Female 5ft 6in 180 lbs , DOB: April 1980, Address: 205 Rogers Rd, MARQUETTE HGTS , IL 61554
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BRUNINGA, ALYSHA ANN , Arrested: 05/05/2011 PCSO, White Female 5ft 6in 245 lbs , DOB: April 1980, Address: 6010 Panatela Dr, BELLEVUE, IL 61604
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BRUNINGA, ALYSHA ANN , Arrested: 11/06/2012 PCSO, White Female 5ft 5in 300 lbs , DOB: April 1980, Address: 401 Clarena Ave, PEORIA, IL 61604
>>More Info<< BRUNK, NATHAN W , Arrested: 07/16/2012 PCSO, White Male 5ft 7in 140 lbs , DOB: August 1989, Address: 203 WILSHIRE, WASHINGTON, IL 61571
>>More Info<< BRUNKE, FRANK , Holding Offense: REVOKED/SUSPENDED 2ND DUI, Custody Date: September 08, 2013, Sentence: 1 year, White, Male, DOB: March 30, 1973, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: East Moline CC, Projected Release : March 08, 2016 >>More Info<< BRUNKE, RICHARD E. , Holding Offense: AGG CRIM SEX ASSAULT/VICTIM <13, Custody Date: November 03, 2002, Sentence: 8 year, White, Male, DOB: October 15, 1965, Sentencing County: Dupage, Prison: Centralia CC, Projected Release : June 22, 2006 >>More Info<< BRUNKEN, WILLIAM A. , Holding Offense: METH MANUFACTURE<15 GRAMS, Custody Date: May 26, 2010, Sentence: 10 year, White, Male, DOB: November 09, 1969, Sentencing County: Shelby, Prison: Pinckneyville CC, Projected Release : May 26, 2015 >>More Info<< BRUNKHORST, CURTIS , Holding Offense: MURDER/STRONG PROB KILL/INJURE, Custody Date: September 11, 1996, Sentence: 90 year, DOB: July 23, 1969, Sentencing County: Perry, Prison: Pontiac CC, Projected Release : September 11, 2041
>>More Info<< BRUNNENMEYER, NICHOLAS A , Arrested: 03/18/2017 PCSO, White Male 5ft 9in 130 lbs , DOB: March 1993, Address: 510 North LAKESHORE, HANNA CITY, IL 61536 >>More Info<< BRUNNER, BARRY , Holding Offense: AGG CRIM SEX ASSAULT/WEAPON, Custody Date: October 17, 2001, Sentence: 11 year, DOB: July 14, 1965, Sentencing County: Sangamon, Prison: Western Illinois CC, Projected Release : June 29, 2020
>>More Info<< BRUNNER, DAVID D. , Holding Offense: MURDER/INTENT TO KILL/INJURE, Custody Date: April 06, 2006, Sentence: 55 year, DOB: July 09, 1973, Sentencing County: Sangamon, Prison: Stateville CC, Projected Release : April 06, 2061
>>More Info<< BRUNNER, DONALD , Holding Offense: FINANCE EXPLOIT ELDERLY/DISABL/$5000-$50000, Custody Date: August 16, 2013, Sentence: 8 year, White, Male, DOB: October 27, 1969, Sentencing County: Sangamon, Prison: Vienna CC, Projected Release : August 16, 2017 >>More Info<< BRUNNER, JAMES , Holding Offense: POSS AMT CON SUB EXCEPT(A)/(D), Custody Date: April 05, 2016, Sentence: 18 month, Bi-Racial, Male, DOB: May 23, 1975, Sentencing County: Lawrence, Prison: Centralia CC, Projected Release : January 05, 2017 >>More Info<< BRUNNER, JOSEPH , Holding Offense: THEFT $300<$10,000, Custody Date: March 28, 2008, Sentence: 2 year, White, Male, DOB: January 13, 1973, Sentencing County: Sangamon, Prison: Logan CC, Projected Release : September 28, 2008 >>More Info<< BRUNNER, MITCHELL , Holding Offense: RETAIL THEFT/RETURN>$150, Custody Date: October 22, 2005, Sentence: 4 year, Black, Male, DOB: August 01, 1985, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Jacksonville CC, Projected Release : February 04, 2008 >>More Info<< BRUNNER, SHANTRELLE , Holding Offense: CRIMINAL DRUG CONSPIRACY, Custody Date: February 17, 2007, Sentence: 6 year, Black, Male, DOB: April 17, 1980, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Sheridan CC, Projected Release : February 17, 2010 >>More Info<< BRUNNER, TERRY , Holding Offense: AGG CRIM SEX ABUSE/<5 YR VIC, Custody Date: December 28, 2016, Sentence: 3 year 6 month, White, Male, DOB: August 22, 1984, Sentencing County: Sangamon, Prison: Lincoln CC, Projected Release : September 28, 2018 >>More Info<< BRUNNER, TERRY A. , Holding Offense: THEFT <$300, Custody Date: October 24, 2011, Sentence: 3 year, White, Male, DOB: November 28, 1961, Sentencing County: Sangamon, Prison: Jacksonville CC, Projected Release : April 24, 2013 >>More Info<< BRUNNER, THOMAS M. , Holding Offense: RETAIL THEFT/DISP MERCH/<$150/2+, Custody Date: May 04, 2012, Sentence: 18 month, White, Male, DOB: March 25, 1962, Sentencing County: Lake, Prison: Vandalia CC, Projected Release : February 04, 2013 >>More Info<< BRUNNER, WILLIAM , Holding Offense: ATTEMPT BURGLARY, Custody Date: April 02, 2013, Sentence: 2 year, White, Male, DOB: August 17, 1979, Sentencing County: Sangamon, Prison: East Moline CC, Projected Release : April 02, 2014 >>More Info<< BRUNNING, ALLISON N. , Holding Offense: ATTEMPT HARASS JURORS/WITNESSES, Custody Date: May 04, 2010, Sentence: 2 year, White, Female, DOB: June 12, 1986, Sentencing County: Macon, Prison: Lincoln CC, Projected Release : May 04, 2011 >>More Info<< BRUNNING, JOHN , Holding Offense: DEL CONT SUB<18/PARK/SCHOOL/PUB HOUS, Custody Date: August 16, 2007, Sentence: 7 year, White, Male, DOB: January 05, 1951, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Robinson CC, Projected Release : February 16, 2011 >>More Info<< BRUNO, BRADLEY M. , Holding Offense: POSS AMT CON SUB EXCEPT(A)/(D), Custody Date: October 28, 2013, Sentence: 5 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: November 08, 1988, Sentencing County: Will, Prison: Vienna CC, Projected Release : April 28, 2016 >>More Info<< BRUNO, CARLO , Holding Offense: BURGLARY, Custody Date: September 06, 2005, Sentence: 5 year, White, Male, DOB: January 06, 1984, Sentencing County: Pike, Prison: Jacksonville CC, Projected Release : September 06, 2007 >>More Info<< BRUNO, CARLOS , Holding Offense: AGG DUI LIC SUSP OR REVOKED, Custody Date: February 29, 2008, Sentence: 18 month, Hispanic, Male, DOB: July 09, 1981, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Illinois River CC, Projected Release : July 10, 2008 >>More Info<< BRUNO, GREGORY , Holding Offense: RETAIL THEFT/RETURN>$150, Custody Date: October 21, 2009, Sentence: 3 year, White, Male, DOB: October 17, 1987, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Sheridan CC, Projected Release : April 21, 2011 >>More Info<< BRUNO, JAVIER , Holding Offense: ARMED ROBBERY/NO FIREARM, Custody Date: December 07, 2008, Sentence: 8 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: November 04, 1982, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Illinois River CC, Projected Release : December 07, 2012 >>More Info<< BRUNO, KENDRICK , Holding Offense: RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY, Custody Date: August 06, 2001, Sentence: 8 year, Black, Male, DOB: February 12, 1977, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Hill CC, Projected Release : February 29, 2004 >>More Info<< BRUNO, LUIS , Holding Offense: MANU/DEL OTHER AMT NARCOTIC SCHED I&II, Custody Date: December 07, 2006, Sentence: 7 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: April 01, 1955, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Lawrence CC, Projected Release : December 07, 2010 >>More Info<< BRUNO, RAFAEL , Holding Offense: RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY, Custody Date: November 26, 2007, Sentence: 7 year, Hispanic, Male, DOB: September 22, 1978, Sentencing County: Cook, Prison: Danville CC, Projected Release : May 26, 2011 >>More Info<< BRUNO, RORY D. , Holding Offense: RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY, Custody Date: July 16, 2007, Sentence: 4 year, White, Male, DOB: August 15, 1977, Sentencing County: Rock Island, Prison: Stateville CC, Projected Release : July 16, 2009 >>More Info<< BRUNO, WILLIAM J. , Holding Offense: BURGLARY, Custody Date: June 22, 2010, Sentence: 3 year, DOB: April 15, 1987, Sentencing County: McLean, Prison: Vandalia CC, Projected Release : December 22, 2011
>>More Info<< BRUNO-DELGADO, JOSE L. , Holding Offense: MANU/DEL 15<100 GRAMS COCAINE, Custody Date: October 21, 2014, Sentence: 8 year 6 month, DOB: November 06, 1984, Sentencing County: DuPage, Prison: Danville CC, Projected Release : January 21, 2019
>>More Info<< BRUNOTTE, ROBERT A. , Holding Offense: METH PRECURSOR<15 GRAMS, Custody Date: August 03, 2007, Sentence: 3 year, White, Male, DOB: July 21, 1959, Sentencing County: Richland, Prison: Graham CC, Projected Release : August 03, 2008 >>More Info<< BRUNS, DENNIS E , Arrested: 01/24/2014 PCSO, White Male 6ft 1in 195 lbs , DOB: January 1963, Address: 1129 Ne Glen Oak St, APT 4, PEORIA, IL 61604
>>More Info<< BRUNS, DEVIN M. , Holding Offense: ARMED VIOL/CATEGORY I WEAPON, Custody Date: July 17, 2015, Sentence: 10 year, DOB: April 30, 1998, Sentencing County: Jefferson, Prison: Menard CC, Projected Release : July 17, 2020
>>More Info<< BRUNS, DYLAN C. , Holding Offense: AGG BATTERY/PUBLIC PLACE, Custody Date: February 04, 2018, Sentence: 2 year, White, Male, DOB: February 02, 1996, Sentencing County: Jefferson, Prison: Robinson CC, Projected Release : February 04, 2019 >>More Info<< BRUNS, HELEN VIRGINIA , Arrested: 02/16/2006 PCSO, White Female 5ft 2in 185 lbs , DOB: January 1929, Address: 3404 North Sheridan Rd, PEORIA , IL 61604
>>More Info<< BRUNS, JODY JEAN , Arrested: 06/18/2001 PCSO, White Female 5ft 90 lbs , DOB: November 1971, Address: 404 East SIXTH STREET, GLASFORD , IL 61533
>>More Info<< BRUNS, JOSEPH , Holding Offense: MURDER/INTENT TO KILL/INJURE, Custody Date: August 29, 1975, Sentence: 80 year, White, Male, DOB: April 10, 1947, Sentencing County: Dupage, Prison: Graham CC, Projected Release : May 29, 1982 >>More Info<< BRUNS, JOSEPH MICHAEL , Arrested: 12/02/2008 PCSO, White Male 6ft 200 lbs , DOB: March 1973, Address: 205 West NORTHLAND, PEORIA , IL 61614
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BRUNS, JOSEPH MICHAEL , Arrested: 02/27/2009 PCSO, White Male 6ft 200 lbs , DOB: March 1973, Address: 205 West NORTHLAND, PEORIA , IL 61614
>>More Info<< BRUNS, JOSHUA J. , Holding Offense: INDECENT SOL/AGG CRIM SEX ABUSE, Custody Date: January 23, 2019, Sentence: 3 year, White, Male, DOB: November 12, 1976, Sentencing County: Morgan, Prison: Vandalia CC, Projected Release : July 23, 2020 >>More Info<<